Curated Outdoor Gear Boxes for Empowered Women: Welcome to Alpine Sisters

You think about the people who helped you get there, the women who inspired and encouraged you, the women who gave you the strength to want more. The bond between women that exists in the wilderness is unlike any other: together, you are invincible, together you are bigger than yourselves: you’re part of a sisterhood.
Alpine Sisters is so much more than a store: we are a sisterhood of women and their allies who understand that in nature, we are our best selves. This deep understanding drives everything we do, from the brands we choose to partner with, to the specific products within their lines. We have curated high-quality gear to ensure each woman has the best possible experience on the trails. We stock products we know will withstand the test of time. We’ve done the research and field testing so you can spend less time shopping and more time exploring outdoors, because we know that is where we all truly thrive.
How it Works
Alpine Sisters has created 7 curated gear boxes specially designed for women:
Our boxes are each designed to give you a collection of all of the essentials. There is one brand for each product, and only a handful of options with each product. Why? Because we believe that less is more. We want to transform the consumer mindset to value quality over quantity, and make the shift towards living life more presently and mindfully.
When you choose a box, you can add the items you need, and leave the ones you don’t. If there is gear from another box you would like to add to your gear closet, you absolutely can! The boxes are meant to be a way to visually select what you need: select as few or as many products as you need.
Once you get your gear, we hope that you will follow us on Facebook and Instagram and join in our conversations about feminine hygiene, hiking with children, safe and best practices in the backcountry, and so much more! Alpine Sisters values empowerment through education, and we look forward to novices and experts alike contributing to our conversations. We are a very small business right now, so it may take a while for us to grow our sisterhood, but we have big dreams for the future of our community.
We dream of a world where every person identifying as a woman will feel empowered to pursue her dreams. There is no better way to build confidence, strength, and feel connected to the world around you than to spend time in the great outdoors. We aim to ensure that every woman has the knowledge and gear to pursue any outdoor adventure with confidence and ignite a lifelong passion for nature.
Welcome to Alpine Sisters: we can’t wait to explore with you!
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